Sunday, October 21, 2007

Frostbitten Peach

It snowed last night! I haven't seen snow in a couple of years, so I got a pretty big kick out it. There was about an inch of accumulation, but it was completely melted by lunchtime today. Since this posting is about snow, it is appropriate that I add pictures of the infamous pellet stove. It is similar to a wood burning stove, but it uses these small wood pellets. The stove is attached to the thermostat, so it is very similar to a normal furnace and I've gotten over my fear of the thing. The only difference is that you have to make sure to feed enough of the pellets into the stove. And boy does it blast out hot air! Cozy!

The pellet stove!
The pellets remind me of what we use to feed our hamsters.
40 lbs. bag of pellets. A bag lasts about 4-5 days and costs about $4.


Carol Easterlin said...

How crazy (and fun) that you have already had snow!

Anonymous said...

I know!! I'm till waiting for fall to come to Atlanta! --mc