Thursday, October 25, 2007

More Lander pictures

I keep getting conflicting reports on the exact population of Lander. The below sign says 6,867, but I've heard as low at 4,000. So I don't know what to believe, but what I do know is the town doesn't feel small to me yet. Plus there are not one, but TWO grocery stores. And FOUR gas stations! Woo-hoo!!! Big time!!!!

What exactly are Jake Brakes? Does anyone know??

Shot of Main Street.


Carol Easterlin said...
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Carol Easterlin said...

Carol said...

I have always wandered about Jake Brakes also. There is a similar sign that I see in GA. Check out this entry on wikipedia.

Unknown said...

Jake brakes are used by semi tractor trailers. The engine is used to slow the tractor down and it produces a loud noise that can knock you out of bed in a small town such as Lander. Just my opinion. I could be wrong.